Now mind you, I was not inebriated, as it was my duty to get people home in one piece via the Brandtmobile. However, I had had enough to drink that my ability to make higher-function decisions about fashion-worthiness (which are fairly limited to begin with) was a bit slow. So when I found a pair of sunglasses on the crosswalk back to my car, I snatched them up and took them with me. I figured I was safe to pick up sunglasses that had been abandoned in the middle of a Detroit street at three in the morning.
The glasses themselves are pretty terrible to behold

Sitting here now, muchless sleep-deprived than I was last night, they make me think of the sort of thing that people in the 80s thought that we would be wearing today, that kind of bizarre future aesthetic that was only ever big in movies. However, they offer full-coverage, which is something I look for in sunglasses while I'm driving, and my last part of enormous ugly sunglasses just bit the dust recently.
So the question is: How does one go about cleaning sunglasses? Are there any strange diseases you can get from sunglasses? Should I just pop over to my nearest tattoo parlor and ask if I can just pop them in the autoclave, or will letting them soak in a bowl of vinegar be adequate?
Any thoughts? Hopes? Dreams?