Monday, April 28, 2008

I am the master of cable-age

I wrote a while back about how this thing was stinkin' up my apartment while I blocked it. It occured to me I should like, put a picture up of it or something.I cannot express how many terrible films went into the making of this scarf. It is filled with the cries of a thousand murdered harlots, I tellsya.

I did a swatch of this in a different yarn, and it's probably six inches square if I put a finishing border on it. I'm thinking of finishing it off and turning it into the fanciest dishcloth that I own.


Windigo said...

Sasha's smelly (?) scarlet 67" screaming-cinema scarf.

For some reason, I couldn't go to bed before fully exploring the alliteration involved in this blog entry. Now I can rest soundly.

..oh yeah, why does your scarf stink up your apartment?

Sasha Kovich said...

*lecturer glasses on*

When you block a project, you dip it all in warm-ish water and then pin it loosely into the shape you'd like it to be when you're done. This helps set the stitches, and is extra important when you're cabling. Through some kind of vague, "I do it because they told me to do it," act of physics, it makes cabling turn from okay-looking to really clean looking.

Unfortunately, wet wool smells like sheep. It's kind of like wet dog smell, but a little mustier.

Your alliteration made me shed a little tear of pride.

Anonymous said...

So, can I commission a cable-knit sweater in some sort of Gaelic or Scandinavian style? Or would that be a recipe for swift pain? (Hmm, that sounds like a good name for a drink. I wonder what would go into it.)

Also, do you know where my copy of "The World of Tiers" is? You borrowed it forever ago, and we haven't seen you since like maybe your sophomore year.


P.S. Still no baby.

Sasha Kovich said...


I have at least half a dozen things to knit, another dozen to finish, and there's the sad fact that all attempts at shirt-like objects have been dramatic failures. So I'm just going to make that a big ol' no.

I do have your copy of "World of Tiers," which I found while digging through some boxes after the last time you'd asked. I keep driving to the west side of the state to help my brother set up his new house, but right now I have a wicked case of ringworm, so I'm probably the absolute last person you want around your wife and baby-in-progress.

However, if you give me an address, I can easily make a trip down to my job's warehouse and ship it to you. Email remains sashakovich@thatgooglemailthing.theusualendingfordomains.

I do have a gender-neutral blanket for your next child as well. It's a lot more 80s than I had anticipated when I bought the yarn.

Like, a whole lot more.

Like, I'm a little bit ashamed.